Sunday, August 19, 2007

Week 4, #8

After getting bogged down with textbooks at school in preparation for student registration, I returned to working on my RSS aggregator. Since I already had a gmail account, I chose to Google Reader for my RSS feed reader.

I always seek out the Unshelved booth at ALA, so of course added that. Another obvious feed for me was from the Librarian's Index to the Internet, to see the new sites added with a weekly message. The AASL blog is another convenient one to add. I also chose a blog from a fellow participant in School Library Learning 2.0, and would like to add a few more as an inspiration to keep going! I also want to find some useful YA review blogs to add.

While the idea of having posts come to my computer, rather than having to visit bookmarked sites regularly, saves time and notifies me when there is new material, I wonder where the time to keep up will come from when school starts. As with all new aspects of the profession and job, integrating this into what I already do will require adjustment. I am optimistic that checking my reader will become second nature!


Gexy said...

I hadn't thought to RSS the Librarian's Index to the Internet. Thanks for the great idea!

IrmaPince said...

Checking the reader does become automatic and it saves alot of time vs. clicking on a list of favorites only to find they haven't posted since you last checked.