Sunday, January 20, 2008

Week 7, #16

Having a passing acquaintance with wikis, I was glad to have the time and resources to learn about them more in depth. While the Library success wiki is for all types of libraries, I did not find as much as I had hoped that would be relevant for schools. I found the sample school wiki much more interesting, since it included classes, announcements, etc. Joyce Valenza's teacherlibrarian wiki, like all her work, has useful and direct applications for my job. I found the Very Cool Ideas and the Booklists especially useful. In addition, the organization scheme makes sense to me. I can see using and contributing to this wiki as a valuable supporting tool, so much so that I emailed Joyce that I would like to contribute to it.
The Book Lovers wiki is what I have had in mind for my school. Having the book covers on the screen with the comments adds a nice touch. I have had a goal of connecting students who like reading particular genres. Before the internet, one vehicle was to have written reviews in binders in the library, sorted by genre. Having computer applications that replace this provides more opportunities for interaction among the students, even though they may not know each other in person or have time to participate in a face to face library/book club. As a method of encouraging and supporting reading, wikis meet students online, where their comfort level may be an important factor in enticing them to contribute.


Marie Slim said...

Wow! I had just set up a blog for my students to review books, and a wiki may be more of the way to go!

Also - Joyce Valenza is such a superstar - do post to her wiki. She's great about sharing the password.

You've got a great blog!

Becca said...

How 'bout wikis with podcasts or voicethreads for different genres?